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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 02/14/11
Public Present
Heath Higgins

Board Members Present                   
Sandy Andrews; Ellen Brawley, Chair; Gerard M. Miller, alt; and Robert Ho, alt

Kim Keene, CEO; Claire Woolfolk, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.

II.     New Business
It was confirmed the notice was published in the Bar Harbor Times on February 9, 2011.

        Screening Plan for Tax Map 8 Lot 97
Planning Board members reviewed and discussed the proposed screening plan provided by Mr. Edward L. Higgins for property owned on S & H Lane. Mr. Higgins originally received approval on January 28, 2008, from the Planning Board to fill no more than 4300 sq. ft. of a freshwater wetland.  A condition was placed on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP #025-2007) approval to preserve as much existing vegetative screening along Rt. 198, and to vegetate around the fill area to preserve the natural appearance of the area.

Quantities and types of plants to be planted:
•       6 -Maple Trees
•       6- Alder
•       10 – Woolgrass
•       2 lbs. Wildflower seed
•       15 - Cat tails

The filled area has compacted and the shim (surface to drive or walk on instead of the sharp shale that comprises the leach field) is ready to be placed over the leach field.  The plantings will be done once the shim is in place.

The board discussed that less plantings were needed on the S&H side and that the plantings could be moved to the house side and/or the road to extend along the Rt. 198 side for further screening.

The board agreed through general consensus that the plan provided was adequate.

III.    The draft minutes from the January, 13th  were tabled because a quorum was not present to approve.  The draft minutes from the January 24th and 27th meetings were unanimously approved as amended.

        MOTION to approve as amended by MR. MILLER; SECONDED by MR. ANDREWS (3-0).  Mr. Clunan’s vote by proxy was included for the January 24th meeting (via email notification).

The board discussed if it is permissible for someone who didn’t attend a meeting to read the minutes and approve.  Ms. Keene will check to see if this is allowed.

IV.     Other Business

Ms. Brawley suggested the board identify what they want to work on should there be free meeting times between now and the May Town Meeting.  The board identified two priorities to work on:

•       Vista and view sheds (which the board would hire a consultant for).  Members agreed that work should begin so that efforts and intentions would be evident for the summer people.  Ms. Keene will check with the Town Manager on spending some of the money earmarked for this issue on a consultant.  There are two approaches to dealing with Vistas and View Sheds:  1) Vistas/View Sheds are view spaces available from public spaces within the town, and 2) Vistas/View Sheds are what you can see looking into the town.
•       Subdivision Ordinance / site plan views. Due to the significant work that needs to be done on this ordinance, the board thought it should be done in the Fall after summer season and when all board members would be in town for extended periods.

The board discussed possibilities of having discussions in a public online forum in order to do preliminary work and make more efficient use of meeting time.  Blogs, Google Docs, and Facebook were mentioned as possibilities.  Ms. Keene will check to see if this would be legal or if it would be considered a “meeting”.

V.      Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday, February 28, 2011 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.

Respectfully submitted,


Claire Woolfolk, Recording Secretary